Paint Mono… Paint.NET for Linux ...Aplikasi mantap buat ubuntu

There’s no official Ubuntu or Debian package for Paint Mono yet, so you have to compile Paint Mono by your own. You need a couple of packages to be able to do so. So please install the following packages.

$ sudo apt-get install mono-devel monodevelop mono-tools-gui mono-tools-devel subversion

Afters this you should be able to download the latest source via subversion, compile and install Paint Mono via…

$ svn co paint-mono
$ cd paint-mono
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

There won’t be a icon inside your application menu for Paint Mono, the only way to start the program is by executing the following command.

$ paintdotnet

On your desktop Paint Mono should now look like this.


  1. Naon tateh artina lur? punten da abdi mah Linuxers urang sunda
    Kabarna sehat didieumah, kumaha sawalerna?

  2. heeh pan di windows mah aya leutik tapi kamampuanna rek sartua jeung photoshop..tah di linux mah ngaran programna paint.mono..kitu kang


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